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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ် မႃး
[တူၺ်း] [မႄးထတ်း] [ပိုၼ်း] [ၸၢင်း] ၽိုၼ်ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်း ထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ

This template is meant for non-life-threatening warnings that could affect a traveller's possessions, finances, or health, and other notices that need presentation in an attention-grabbing format. It should be used sparingly—only if normal prose is insufficient for some reason. Appropriate uses include:


  • "airport transport scams are very common"
  • "public displays of affection could result in jail time"
  • "do not let your bags out of your sight"


  • "young children frequently get underfoot"
  • "travel to this area is restricted"
  • "passport rules have changed recently"

Do not use this for minor announcements ("closed for repairs"), tangential factoids ("George Washington slept here"), organizational disclaimers ("The exclusion of Region X from the regional hierarchy is not..."), proper life-threatening dangers ("death penalty for drug possession", "civil war active") or obvious dangers ("do not walk on expressways", "do not wander down dark alleys while intoxicated").

If the danger affects the entire region, the caution box can be placed at the very top of the article. If the danger is localized or avoidable, place it under "Stay safe".

This template adds mainspace pages with warnings to Category:Has caution box.



Use the following syntax:

| To avoid the unsavory, corrupt, and thoroughly untrustworthy booking services based in [[Cautionbox/Kolkata|Kolkata]], it is best to get a place to stay on arrival without advance reservation.
| lastedit=2020-03-21

It displays the following:

Caution မၢႆတွင်း: To avoid the unsavory, corrupt, and thoroughly untrustworthy booking services based in Kolkata, it is best to get a place to stay on arrival without advance reservation.
(Information last updated မၢတ်ႉၶျ် 2020)



You can change the bold text by using the "boldtext=" parameter. For example,

{{cautionbox|boldtext=CAUTION|Scams are very common in this city.}}


Caution CAUTION: Scams are very common in this city.

To add last updated dates, insert a date in the YYYY-MM-DD (example: 2020-09-13) format after adding a lastedit template parameter. You should update the lastedit date every time you change the information in the box or check the information and it is still accurate.

Only add a lastedit parameter on caution boxes with information likely to change or go out of date quickly. For example, a destination where important infrastructure might have been temporarily damaged, or an economic crisis might be causing temporary challenges for visitors.



Before using this template, consider whether one of the alternatives might be more appropriate for the specific application.

No description.

Template parameters[ၸတ်းၵၢၼ် ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ]


no description

Scams are very common in this city

no description


Date the information was last updated in YYYY-MM-DD format
