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[တူၺ်း] [မႄးထတ်း] [ပိုၼ်း] [ၸၢင်း] ၽိုၼ်ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်း ထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ

The purpose of this template is to overcome the parameter barrier on {{tlx}}. Unfortunately, when wanting to display code, ideally, you'd use {{tlx}}.

e.g. when wanting to use the code: {{tlx|rint|nc|route=}}, you end up getting {{rint|nc}}. To prevent that, use {{tlx|rint|nc|route{{=}}}} and you'll end up getting {{rint|nc|route=}} which solves the issue. The main purpose of this template is to display template documentations.